What is the best air purifier?

What is the best air purifier?

What is the best air purifier?

I searched for the best bang for your buck air purifiers and these are the ones that seemed to be the best for the under $200 price range.

I recently went to the allergist and found out I am highly allergic to dust mites. So I got dust mite proof bedding and pillow covers. I am also removing my book shelves from the bedroom. The next step is to invest in an air purifier.

Im thinking one of the bigger ones for the bedroom and a smaller one for the studio/office.

Here are my top choices (Yes all the links are affiliate links to the product on amazon. So if I helped you in your decision as to which air purifier to purchase please feel free treat me to a cup of coffee, by using the link I provided for your purchase, it wont cost you a penny extra. Remember, do good and good will follow) :

Honeywell 50250-S True HEPA Air Purifier, 390 sq.ft.

Honeywell 17000-S QuietCare, 200 sq.ft.

GermGuardian AC4825, 150 sq.ft.

Winix 5500, 360sq.ft


Cover Photo by Doug Swinson on Unsplash

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